I'm asking about programmers, not moderators.
Yes, from version to version more and more restrictions. But I think that this particular change is for greater security.
I'm asking about programmers, not moderators.
Yes, from version to version more and more restrictions. But I think that this particular change is for greater security.
For whom? Isn't it always the same argument?
Ok, then the answer is no.
I think he hasn't been there for a long time.
Here's a link to a development version with the new fix I have been working on that should work on both Android 9 and Android 14:
WOW, this seems to work (at least on Android 13, Pixel 4XL, my first test) ...
Second test on Galaxy Note8 (Android 9): Works as well.
3rd + 4th test on Android 5.x:
I always deleted the Companion folder on the test device beforhand.
Ok. Let me see if I can replicate it with an emulator. I don't have a device in my position with Android that old.
Unfortunately I can't test it with Niotron because the minSdkVersion is 23 (Android 6).
5th test on Galaxy A3 (Android 8.0.0): Works fine.
Galaxy S6 (Android 7) is deeply discharged, test follows...
Ok. Here's a newer version that tweaks the extension loading code a bit and adds some additional debug logs. If it still doesn't work on Android 5, please attach a copy of the logcat so I can take a look. This version is 2.73ad2.
[Link removed]
As of 2024-12-20, ai2-test includes companion version 2.73t6 that contains the proposed fix.
I am no longer associated with Niotron.
Now I didn't get an error and the extensions are where they should be: Computer\Galaxy Note3\Phone\Android\data\edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3\files\AppInventor\assets\external_comps
but no Button and Label are displayed and I get this error:
Galaxy S6 (Android 7.0): Works fine.
Xiaomi Mi A3 Android 11 loaded everything correctly.
I tried 7 extensions at once in one application.
Maybe App Inventor should consider making Companion available only from Android 6 onwards. Who tests on devices with API < 23 these days?
We'll be dropping support for SDKs lower than 14 next summer with the annual Google Play SDK compliance update.