Switching to 2.73ad2 fixed one issue but caused another

This past week I decided to switch over the interface from "classic" to "neo" and I think that is what started the problem. Editing a project was ok before the switch over. Switching back to classic did not reverse the problem. (By the way, I like the new neo interface!)

When adding extensions to a new project causes the companion app to go blank as though there was a new project just starting. The companion app when loading an existing project with extensions would be blank just like a new project (even blocks were missing).

After researching I came across this thread:
https://community.appinventor.mit.edu/t/string-indexoutofbounds-exception-while-using-extensions-in-companion-app/132351/291 and installed companion app version 2.73ad2, which allowed the extensions to load without causing issues on new and existing projects.

The only issue I'm facing since switching to 2.73ad2 and using either neo or classic right now is the companion app freezes often, requiring a restart of the companion app. Is there something I can check that might be causing this?

Android 11
Moto G Power
External SD card

Thanks for any insight you can offer.