Sort list picker by time added

Hi guys.
I want sort my list picker to show last added element in first and top of list picker.
In my list picker with about 500 elements,must go to end of list to see last added element.

Use the reverse list block

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Thanks dear.
But when i select item to remove that,dont delete and delete another item from end of list

You need to rotate the main list as well. Or when creating the main list do not use the add block, only insert. You can also recalculate the index for deletion.

When i add item to list,in default mode, last insert item,set in down of list.
Also i must to see last item,go to down and more difficult in more than one hundred items.
I want when add item insert top of list.
Can change it?
Please show me by screen of blocks.

ListPicker shows the list in the order you created it. So show how you create your list before loading it into ListPicker.

Learn to work with lists of lists in their internal form before transforming them to display format

How to return original list item from a reversed list display (view/picker):

I want make list of dayworks by textbox and insert button for add to list picker also check my works in end of month.
Then i want see last input item in top of list.

Show us what you've done so far, show us your blocks.

Also show us how you timestamp your data.