Revival - Italo's Custom Listview Filter Bar - with Clock (and now TextChanged)

With all links to Italo's guide on the above lost from appyBuilder and Thunkable, I thought I would put up a remix of the original blocks, with an aia project example. This uses a clock timer instead of a textbox extension. The only change I have made is to add an extra conditional check: does the last textbox content equal the current textbox content (if so, do nothing), to cut down on unnecessary processing. This also ensures that listview selections above the last one can be made. Clock timer is set to 250ms.

The example works on a listview that contains countries of the world, a listview selection returns the name of the country selected to a label. The filter bar filters letter by letter.




CustomFilterBarClock.aia (4.9 KB)

and an aia with the textChanged event

CustomFilterBarTextChanged.aia (5.0 KB)

Credits to @Italo for the original blocks code


(updated in FAQ)


after filtering it does not allow you to select again

This happens after selecting on the second attempt

In my example aia, I am able to select a different country from the filtered list again and again...If you want to capture all selections made then you will need blocks to do this.

Don't reset the text box after making a selection on the filtered list, if you want to refilter.

We don't need to use Timer workarounds anymore. Now the texbox component has a text change event and we don't need a Timer or extension.

Correct, in the above example aia, simply swap out the Clock timer block for the TextChanged block (then you can remove the clock component).


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