Reading BLE service in Appinventor

Gordon - thank you for the code and explanations. I started playing with it, and it works fine when run in companion mode, but when I create an .apk and install it, the BLE scanning does not see any devices. Is this a known issue? Thanks for any insights. Dino

Found the problem - need a newer version of the BLE extension. Thanks to EW Patton, for uploading:

I wish to pipe in and give a HUGE thank you to you Sir. Your extension takes all the work out of seeing and reading an HRM device. Although I could have spent a few weeks studying and experimenting, it is so much better (no not easier) to have a plug in !

Much controversy about whether it should be left to the developer to research and devise his own methods and thereby learn coding vs extensions to make (plugins) to perform same but I believe that is why MIT AI (and others) use block form creation. By offering methods to do such tasks and then creatively use devices and apps in new and better ways is future.

THANK YOU so much

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Just came across this Anke. Back in the days when I did long distance running (40 years ago), a regular, slow heart beat was thought to be an advantage :grin:

(added to FAQ)

The same is still true today.

HRV (heart rate variability) has been scientifically studied intensively for decades and has been confirmed as a health parameter.

I have used this extension nearly 2 years. With the new BLE for Android 12+ it does not seem to work :roll_eyes: Do you have an update?

I am looking for an updated version of HeartRateMonitor.aix that will work with the latest version of BLE for Android 12+

Evidently I was tired from coding and replied incorrectly .. sorry

What is HeartRateMonitor.aix? This topic is about the BLE extension.

hmmm I seem to be replying wrong ??

HeartRateMonitor.aix written by E.W.Patton in 2020

Wow, I didn't know this extension existed. But I also haven't seen any updates to this extension since I've been active here.

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Well I am looking for such an extension. There are many people wanting to do HR belt reading from what I am reading here and on net.

Many apps written for such but, in my opinion, are not any good at all.

Its all about reading bytes and mathematic deciphering it appears.

A post was split to a new topic: App closes on Bluetooth Connected?