Publish App On Google Play Store

Using the incognito window could be a fix on it's own.


@ChrisWard Incognito window is blocked (school-owned Chromebook). I can access it from my tablet and my kindle, but it would be easier just to do it from my Chromebook. Sorry for the late responses, PSATS were yesterday. :open_mouth: :hushed:

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I assume you are a Teacher or other trusted adult Alexander, so perhaps IT can cut you some slack? It is more than possible that they have blocked sites like Google Play Publish.

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Nope. I'm not a teacher. Just a student who knows a little too much coding. :wink:

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Well that's good from the coding point of view, but bad in that we have probably reached a dead end in terms of using the school's chrome book. :roll_eyes:

So, tablet it is, unless you have access to a PC or Laptop.


Here is my final statement on the → launcher icon for Android
(as long as I don't get a contrary and convincing statement from the MIT team):

I recommend using an icon with the dimension 192x192px (in my case 78 KB) and uploading this to the media section (assets). If I use a 512x512 icon (0.6 MB) or 1024x1024 (1.3 MB), the same ic_laucher.png files are created as in the case of the 192x192 icon.

Note: But the original icon remains in the assets (1.3 MB in case of an icon with 1024x1024px and only 78 KB with an icon of 192x192px. So the AIA & APK are more than 1.2 MB smaller).

If I can (later) create an → iOS app, I'll replace this icon with a 1024x1024px icon.

For several good reasons, I am basically interested in the smallest possible AIA and (even more important) smallest APK.

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Just take a screenshot of the app from your device and that's it!

For resizing you may use online tools!

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It should be done in 9 min. :wink:

This is by far the easiest part of creating and publishing an app. There are thousands of tools for creating and editing images. Where could the problem be?
BTW, this is not an App Inventor related question.

PS: I use (among others) e.g.


I must change the name of the OP to be able to reply: :upside_down_face:


You mean the username? off-topic


I can't tell you how annoying these constant regulations are!


Yes, I have been stuck on publishing for over a year now. I make the icons and images and it won't save on Google Play. I get a very generic email about policy but no actual advise from Google Play on what is wrong. Delete if not allowed.

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Can we see the email?

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How about asking the Google Play Developer Support specifically where the problem is?
I've done this (successfully) dozens of times.



:question: :upside_down_face:

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You might want to change you profile name to

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Why thank you so much, much appreciated. I shall and post an update as soon as I receive one I hope.

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Well here is the response I received from Google Play below:

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And what is your question?

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