I have a set of features ( Markers and LineString) loaded from a GeoJson file.
I need to change the ImageAsset property to all markers loaded.
How to access its?
That's i how I load the Json:
Welcome Eolo.
Load your geojson file as a Feature Collection. If the file is too large, it probably will not render.
Perhaps one of these articles might be useful
Hi Steve, thanks.
Yes, I need to use Runtime Markers, because it will be always increase o decrees the markers in real time. it will not be permanent the markers.
In the link, I see if you put the marker instead, you can set imagen in Designer Windows [designtimeMarker1] , but in mi case, my markers are "random" their locations.
I need help to load Features from geojson. I have upload an geojson file on server and load these file with LoadFromUrl. At FeatureCollection.GotFeature i put an false CreateMarker. This get an error message but the markers are load.
Can i suppress the error message? Or what make the error that the points shown?
[world] HOWTO: Work with Map component and an API to create a map Atlas using Android 5+
Use this tutorial to create different online map Atlases:
AI U.S.A. Atlas - an Atlas of the United States of America [USATablet]
AI World Atlas - an Atlas of the World [WorldTablet]
Atlas of a region of your choosing with your own geojson file. (provide your own geojson file )
AI U.S.A. Atlas uses a json file of the U.S. states. AI World Atlas json file of the World ( https://github.co…
If still stuck, provide a link to the geogson file(s) you are attempting to use.