[OUTDATED][Free] Admob Extension - Add different types of AdMob ads in your application

What is wrong here? I cannot fix, I tried by instructions to edit on Niotron IDE in the file, but I can't fix it. How exactly should I edit?


This problem has been mentioned and iterated a lot of times throughout the topic. You might want to search the topic.

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I searched the topic but I can't understand where I am wrong. My app is already published on Google Play Store and Amazon Store (previous version), I thought testing was problem and published with these extensions, but didn't work.

Are there mistakes in blocks?

I did, but should its DebugGeography be disabled?

Not that part. Continue reading please. The answer is in that specific post.

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I received this error when uploading my APK
Can you please help

<uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID"/> how to use this for android 13? i mean advertising id. pls help

Does this extension still work today? I have tried to install it a few times and it gives an error

is it outdated?

The developer is not active from a long time. There are many other Admob extensions available on community. You can use any of them.

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I successfully downloaded an apk file on my android phone so I can test the admob extension. However, I keep getting an error message that the app is not working. Please help.


Please provide a link to that extension you are using as well as a screenshot of your relevant blocks


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Thanks, here are the extension and screenshot
com.oseamiya.admobsdks (1).aix

Looking forward to your response. Thanks

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And here's the banner extension I'm using

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This extension is outdated
Choose another admob extension
Search the community or the extensions directory App Inventor Extensions | Pura Vida Apps

Hola, I have the same error ¡Ha fallado la compilación! [RunD8] ERROR: d8 failed.
Please can you help me.

I used Oseamiya Admob Extension

What happens if you remove the extension from your project? Does it compile well or does it still give the error?

You are using 4 extensions...
Which ones?
Probably a librarry conflict

That extension is outdated

Choose another admob extension
Search the community or the extensions directory App Inventor Extensions | Pura Vida Apps


Llevo tiempo intentando usar la extencion de "[OUTDATED][Free] Admob Extension - Add different types of AdMob ads in your application - #50 by Kannan_Kannan" y con la descarga del archivo no tengo problemas, el problema esta en App Inventor, cuando quiero programar no me aparece ningun bloque, alguien que me pueda ayudar?