[OUTDATED][Free] Admob Extension - Add different types of AdMob ads in your application

Nice work @oseamiya :wink: :+1:


thank you again. It's very good for me

I'm starting to learn and I couldn't do it anyway, I did everything right.
Could you send me an AIA so I can see the blocks?

POST #11


I am getting this error:

A required meta-data tag in your app's AndroidManifest.xml does not exist. You must have the following declaration within the <application> element:

<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.version" android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />

Did I miss something? I have followed the steps.

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Did you added AdmobSdk extension ? AdmobSdk extension fulfill the requirement of this manifest. See :

Also, This extension doesn't work with companion as companion app don't have required manifest. You should compile the application to see the result.

Thanks oseamiya. Actually I tried with the companion. I compiled and it is working perfectly. Very nice job! Thanks a lot!

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Very nice extension!

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I tried adding a banner ad using this extension, but it doesn't work with an error. How can I make good use of this extension? Please let me know along with the aia file.

Warning phrase : Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.view.ViewParent com.google.android.gms.ads.AdView.getParent()' on a null object reference
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.

aia : admob_test.aia (2.0 MB)

Please look over to the documentation properly.
I checked your aia and I found :

  1. You have not followed this step. You should create a new extension so that you can add meta-datas in your manifest. Please follow this step.
  1. Also, You were trying to show the banner ad without loading. You should load a banner ad first, If loading is success then only you can show the ad to view like this.


If you have got any other confusions then you can reply here :slight_smile:


@oseamiya I tried the way you said, but this error pops up.

A required meta-data tag in your app's AndroidManifest.xml does not exist. You must have the following declaration within the <application> element:
<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.version" android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.

What's the problem?

the same question has been asked in post #25
what about reading the answer in post #26?


thank you! This extension was really nice! Thanks to this, I am able to monetize my app.

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hi @oseamiya , do these tags need to be changed before or after initializing sdk?

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You can set it according to the need. For example, A app for children may require ChildDirectTreatment. So, you can set TagForChildDirectedTreatment to 1.

You can find more about this here :slight_smile:

You can set it after AdmobSdk Initialized successfully.

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OK :+1: thank you very much


hi i got these errors with your aia test

I have upload the meta data tag with my ca-pub-id and i have put my add unit id.
and i have unchecked test mode please help ?

Capture d’écran 2021-12-10 231852

I've got also the Code 1 error building request url.


and this error

Capture d’écran 2021-12-10 232510

the extension doesn't work in companion try building your app

the error come from apk built not companion

I don't know if this gonna work or not :sweat_smile: but somehow changing the aia name worked for me, it wasn't working when the name was testing