[OUTDATED][Free] Admob Extension - Add different types of AdMob ads in your application

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Hola, I have the same error ¡Ha fallado la compilación! [RunD8] ERROR: d8 failed.
Please can you help me.

I used Oseamiya Admob Extension

What happens if you remove the extension from your project? Does it compile well or does it still give the error?

You are using 4 extensions...
Which ones?
Probably a librarry conflict

That extension is outdated

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Llevo tiempo intentando usar la extencion de "[OUTDATED][Free] Admob Extension - Add different types of AdMob ads in your application - #50 by Kannan_Kannan" y con la descarga del archivo no tengo problemas, el problema esta en App Inventor, cuando quiero programar no me aparece ningun bloque, alguien que me pueda ayudar?

As posted several times in the topic you link to:

This extension is outdated
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