NFC and App Inventor What I understood and what I would like to do

Hi everybody,
I write this post because I hope to help people that like me use NFC, and find somebody that can help to solve some problems that I found.
Two months ago I started to work with NFC and the great App Inventor, unfortunately I saw that it wasn't possible to do a lot of things, so I decided, for the first time, to create my own extension and I started with Mifare Classic RFID Technology because I know something about it .NFC and Mifare UID Extension
After that some people asked me to add features about different RFID tags because they really need and they do not have in the actual Near Field component. So I started to study what can I do.
This is the results of my test, to enable your app to recognise the different kinds of RFID tecnology You have to add in the AndroidManifest.xml of your apk :

and in the xml folder of the apk you have to add the nfc_tech_list.xml here an example:
as You understand the most important rows to add in the manifest is android.nfc.action.TECH_DISCOVERED when You approach a tag near your phone your app check the nfc_tech_list and if there is a match Your app can manage the data.
For example with my extension I was able to read the UID of Mifare Ultralight, NTAG213, NTAG215.
Nice, but really I don't like to add manually all this things to the apk file. I would like to do it directly to the extension!!
Well something it is possible but not everything ( my opinion, but I hope I am wrong) as I found in documentation App Inventor Annotations
You can add Activities and Metadata in the extension as We need in the AndroidManifest.xml

and the extension is compiled successfully, but when You try to compile tha app that use the extension You have errors, and the problem (I suppose) is that You have not added the nfc_tech_list.xml in the correct folder, and actually I do not how to do automatically in the extension!!!!! (really need help for this)

Another important thing that I saw in my test (adding manually the things that I told above) is when You approach a Tag to the phone if You have others apps installed that use NFC, Android ask which app want to use.
This problem can be solved using the foreground dispatch, so your app opened has the priority to other app installed that handle the same intent:

Now the problem (for me) is how to handle this on a extension, for example in the article above is written: 1. Add the following code in the onCreate() method of your activity
How can I add a onCreate() on a extension, is it possible? I did not find an example.
Is it the correct way to do it? or there is another approach.

Well I think I said all, this is what I was able to do and understand, I hope this is a way to improve the NFC support in App Inventor
Best Regards


About the problem to create the Foreground Dispatch and the onCreate(). I followed this advice
and I used Initialize in the extension

public void Initialize() {
        nfcAdapter = NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(activity);
        mPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(activity, 0, new Intent(activity, getClass()).addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP), 0);
        IntentFilter ndef = new IntentFilter(NfcAdapter.ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED);
        IntentFilter ntech = new IntentFilter(NfcAdapter.ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED);
        IntentFilter td = new IntentFilter(NfcAdapter.ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED);
        mFilters = new IntentFilter[] {ntech,ndef,td};
        mTechLists  = new String[][] { new String[] { NfcA.class.getName(),MifareUltralight.class.getName(),NdefFormatable.class.getName()},
                                       new String[] { NfcA.class.getName(),MifareUltralight.class.getName(),Ndef.class.getName()}
        appendLog("Intent Filter creato!"); 

and in onResume i added:

  public void onResume() {
    Intent intent = activity.getIntent();
    Log.d(TAG, "Nearfield on onResume.  Intent is: " + intent);
    if (nfcAdapter != null) 
            nfcAdapter.enableForegroundDispatch(activity, mPendingIntent, mFilters, mTechLists);

Works? Yes and No, the Initialize works as I want, the code is executed when I open the app ( I see this because I added a Log file to check), but the ForegroungDispatch doesn't work, I still have to choose which app to use when I approach the Tag (NTAG 213) to the phone.

If somebody can help, really appreciated
Best Regards


In recent weeks I have been looking for some help to try to implement an extension that could better cover the use of the NFC sensor with App Inventor. But unfortunately I see that there is no interest from the community so I cannot continue with this project.


I moved your thread into the #open-source-development category so probably someone there is able to answer your questions



Hi Marco,
Have you found the answer to your NFC activation question? I am also trying to create an NFC app but the NFC Ball and Cup game (which has NFC) just does not work!

Hi @Lavanian_Dorairaj ,
sorry no, I did not find.
As You can see in the previous posts I did not receive answer about the problems found.
So I don't know if is not possible to do with App Inventor or simply I did not find the documentation that explain how to do
Best Regards

HI, @Marco_Perrone

It is now possible to use NFC with MIT App Inventor, but we still run into a problem where you need to reformat the NFC card by sending something like a text by using other existing apps (NFC TOOLS) in order to make it work with MIT App Inventor.

This is where i believe we all stand now, same with the CUP game some made using NFC.

Hi there,
I'm asking for your help as I'm interested in develop an app able to read a Mifare classic RFID tag via NFC.
My company supplies a tag to the employs to clock in and out, and the tag is also used for other internal services.
After I noticed that the tags are readable by using a free app that I've downloaded from Play Store (I do not report the name of the app here, I don't know if it ok or not), I started to study how to develop a simple app able to read my colleagues tags for a specific internal service.
As the Play Store app describes the tag as Mifare Classic, I've downloaded Mifare extension and simple tag reading project by Marco Perrone, with the goal to study how it works.
I also spent attention on all the posts published about the matter, and I using the last version of .AIX.
I understood the only way to test the NFC app is to create APK, and I did it, but I've found that it can't be installed on my Android 14 phone. All the safety checks are positively passed but the app is not eventually installed as his message is reported: "App not installed as package appears to be invalid".

I tried installing the APK on my old Android 10 phone and the installation process went well. The problem I encountered is that the APK app is apparently not working - the app fields remain empty -, and no message indicating if a problem is present is reported.

Just to make sure my old Android10 phone is still ok, I installed the same Play Store app and... it reports that the Mifare tag is illegible (but at least I got a message) while it is perfectly fine on Android14!

At this point I'm stuck as I can't install the APK on my Android14 and the same APK on Android10 doesn't (apparently) work!

I'm sure you can help me solve the problem, thanks in advance for your help!

Massimo Ermini

It looks like the extension needs an sdk34 update

HI Taifun, thank for your reply.

Can you please explain me how to integrate the sdk34 in the extension?

Thank you


This seems to be an unfinished project
Sorry, I'm not able to help, I do not have avy RFID tag


Ciao Massimo,
did You try this extension?

Actually I have an Android 14 smartphone and I have installed my sample app and works.


Ciao Marco,

Sorry for my late reply.

I've cleaned up all my tests and downloaded the extension and your tag reader project again.

I still get the same message trying to install the APK ("App not installed as package appears to be invalid") on my Android14, while it seems to work properly on my Android10.
I said it seems to work on A10 as I get a message "Impossibile leggere il tag, riprovare" but I get the info from my tag anyway. I'll try to investigate deeper on this task and I'll keep you updated.

Thank you, grazie per l'aiuto