Mifare Classic & Ultralight Extension

Hi @Leppke,
Do You have the same problem with my Project Test? This is to understand if the problem is related to my extension or something else in your app that I don't know.
Thank You

Hi @Marco_Perrone,
Thank you for your reply. We only use the getuid block of your extension and if I try without it, it works. When I try to upload the AAB Bundle with your extension to the Google Play Console, I get an error message which directs me to this website to fix the issue: Behavior changes: Apps targeting Android 12  |  Android Developers. You could try testing your extension on the Google Play Console or try an Android 12+ emulator.
Thank you

I also tried to update my app bud when I install the build on my Andoid 13 phone I get the error:

The Application wasn't installed, because the whole package looks unproperly

If I get a older build it installs fine, bud if I build it today I get the error. I deleted the Mifare Extension and then it installs again. I also tried the MifareInfo.aia bud it haves the same problem.

The culprit is probably to do with the SDK version used by appinventor as mentioned here: Application is OK, but I can't install it (APK) on my (Android13) smartphone - #25 by ewpatton

Could you have a look to fix you’re amazing extension so it is usable again on android 13?

Have a great day!

If you want a “quick” fix, I got it working. You have to add android:exported="true" to the AndroidManifest.xml like said here: Android 12 changes - #2 by Anke

I did this the following way:

  1. Build and download your APK to your PC.

  2. Download and open the program APK editor studio: APK Editor for PC and Mac – APK Editor Studio

  3. In APK editor open your APK file.

  4. In the left screen select the tab “File System”.

  5. Click on “AndroidManifest.xml”

  6. In my case, add android:exported="true" to the line
    <activity android:launchMode="singleTask" android:name=".Screen1">
    so you get:
    <activity android:launchMode="singleTask" android:exported="true" android:name=".Screen1">

  7. In the top-bar click “save-APK”.

  8. Now try it out if it works.

Thit works for me, hope it helps.

Thank You @Sander_V,
I sent a message to @Leppke yesterday where I suggest to modify the manifest like this:
<activity android:launchMode="singleTask" android:name=".Screen1" android:exported="false">
I was waiting an answer before to write here but now you confirm that solve the problem.

Thank You for your tip


Hi @duv @Leppke and @Sander_V ,
I just added the android:exported="true" in the extension , so You don't need to change the manifest.
Please download and try if your app works correctly.
mifare.info.aix (21.9 KB)


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It works, thank you very much!

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Hi @Marco_Perrone, Sorry for the late reply, I have been on holiday. Your extension is great! It works fine! Thank you very much!

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Hello everyone,

I use the @Marco_Perrone extension for Mifare classic tags Mifare Classic & Ultralight Extension - Extensions - MIT App Inventor Community.

For my app I need to read multiple blocks in a row, without rescanning the tag. I tried several solutions like switching off and on read mode or hotswapping block-to-read id

If you have an idea of a solution it could save me a lot of time. I also searched for the extension source code to add those functionalities but in vain.

Hi @lieutenant_X,
I attach a sample that should help You to solve your problem.
I used a Clock to Read a MifareClassicBlock and everytime the clock is fired I add 1 to the variable Block to read the next Mifare block
MifareReadWrite.aia (24.1 KB)

Thanks a lot, it works pretty well. Do you have a solution too to read a tag what triggered the app opening ? (if the app is set as the default one for Mifare tags, it opens automatically when one of them is detected by the phone).

Ciao @lieutenant_X, the extension when a tag is approched use the TAG_DISCOVERED action that is the lowest level to detect a tag, I was able to develop only this method.
To do what You need I have to develop TECH_DISCOVERED, I tried but with no success.


The extension works well, but it lacks a block to detect whether an NFC card is currently in place. Any solution for that condition.

i want to use this extension for 2 screens: one is login screen, read uid and compare to DB - if match sign in.
the second screen is the sign up screen where i want to insert the uid into text box. how to do it? i cant at all? other solutions that use uid of nfc? help...
why only in screen1? also, why it always open the app when i scan tag? all tags just open the app in screen1, how to cancel open it?

An ai2 app will always open Screen1 first. You need to code with blocks to take you to another screen if that is what you want.

when i not in the app, in android
in google or some other app and scanned, it opens my app
why and how cancel

You need to show your setup for scanning a tag. Are you using a third party app of any kind ?

e.g. like so

i have nfc tools pro but not using