Need help to make button reading url from google sheet

A post was merged into an existing topic: I want to make a screen for modification

@boom_Agency Please do not cross post.

Your blocks image is of poor standard, I cannot read it.

Right click on the blocks editor and download blocks as image, then crop if you need to.

Two things I see:

You are setting VideoLInk.visible to a value from your list in Web2.GotText ( I believe it should be VideoLink.Text )

You are setting your activity starter url to global URL which will call your google apps script web app, not the video link....

When I click on the id in the list view, the data comes in a text box and then the button forwards me to the link in the Google Sheet column.

I hope you understand my plan

I understand......

you can tell me how can i do?

What happens if you fix the two things I told you about ?

I hope your helps me, yet I don't know where the error is
These are the stages you performed

But this message appears to me

this Which I want to be inside my app....

As I previously told you fix these things:

You appear to have dropped the activity starter, so just fix the .visible issue.

can i give you my aia, coz i cant make


already im trying to change it to value but i didnt found

Just change the thing from:




Same thing

Do you still get the run time error ?

Yes only I changed the video_link

Please share your aia