Add a node to your project url and then add a node to that.
Yes, that
Where the "Key", would be the Tag? The tag where i would use GetTag on MIT?
Yes, that is correct
How would this work? i wanted to put whats on biologyexam on the label, so it would update it, showing its value
Look in the Firebase blocks palette for the event block that fires when GotValue.
In that event, set the Label.Text to text JOIN(tag,':',value)
Something like this? I dont quite get what u meant, mind explaining again? how am i going to see which tag is which?
I do undestand that it will fire whenever Firebase got a value, but how do i set it to show only the tag that i want? thats whats bothering me
This will show a log of everything that has been gotten from Firebase during the current run of the app.
The catch is in knowing what tags to request from Firebase ahead of time.
Maybe keep a reserved tag "news" holding a list of recent tags to request?
but how would i exactly get a specific tag?
Sorry, it looks like you didnt get what i mean.
by doing this, ill get every value and tag while the app is open, but what if i dont want to get everything? how could i get a certain value??
This would require an if/then/elseif tree in your .GotValue event, where you compare the incoming tag against pre-set expected values, one branch per tag, so you can process them differently.
something like this?
That could work, but it would require you to know all possible tags ahead of time and pre-allocate a Label for each.
Are you up to that, or do you want something more flexible?
Yeah, thats what im trying to do, as stated underneath my title, i am going to be the guy who uploads the info to it, so ill basically know
ive done something like this, but on my label, it shows " " (literally nothing)
Why? thought it was supposed to get the value
Look in the Firebase blocks for the event block that catches errors.
Pull it in, and have it announce the error with the Notifier block that needs an OK button to clear.
A good programmer programs himself out of his job.
A project should not be a job for life.