My App with voice recorder don't work

Error Code:
Cannot Start recording *.amr open failed EROFS (Read only system file)
I set the record save format to *.amr
And allowed every permission asked.
What can I do??

Hi @apsw171118 welcome to our community!

please share your aia file here

Voice_Recognition_Cantonese.aia (4.3 KB)

kk Here (up)

I dont know why i'm unable to open your prject, can you show me all of your blocks

get an image of your blocks

get an image of your blocks (→ right mouse click in Blocks area)

Set it to a correct filename, for example myFilename.3gp
See also Media


Specifies the path to the file where the recording should be stored. If this property is the empty string, then starting a recording will create a file in an appropriate location. If the property is not the empty string, it should specify a complete path to a file in an existing directory, including a file name with the extension .3gp.


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Yes, his project (aia) is broken.

The Speech Recogniser Component and Block IDs are prefixed with "AE" and that causes the no-load issue. When attempting to load, AI2 very briefly displays a message to that effect.

So perhaps there is an extension in the mix?
The only permission requested in the Blocks: WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.

However, as per Taifun's note, the file to write must have a name and .amr is not an acceptable file type for recording using the App Inventor Sound Recorder.

... which is not required because the Sound_Recorder component automatically requests this permission.



Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.

The page can't be read.

Yes sorry, it was a post from the power user forum:

What happened?
The permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE is granted.
Save format: 3gp
Platform: AI Inventor (private)

What about Record Audio permission?

Show your blocks and read this first:

Yes enabled

Tried a few times and isn't responding after holding the button (which starts the recording)