MIT App Inventor for iOS Version 2.64.6 in TestFlight

Hello Mr. Patton,

Have anyone ported the TinyWebDB app from pithon 2.7 to the python 3+? . I just tried to run the 27 version in google cloud through its app engine but python 27 is no longer supported as an option when configuring the app.

Could you let me know if tinyWebDB can be made available on python 3? Since the current tinyWebDB online uses the MIT server and it has a limit to 1000 entries, It is not a viable option.

Also, where you able to check on the WebComponent FilePost no sending any file from the IOS companion using the latest beta version?

Regards, Hernan


Have anyone ported the TinyWebDB app from python 2.7 to the python 3+? . I just tried to run the 27 version in google cloud through its app engine but python 27 is no longer supported as an option when configuring the app and if we try to run it using the supported python build, it errs not allowing it to be access through the web link.

Is there a tinyWebDB version for python 3 or NodeJS, etc. Or is there a link to the open source to port the project to a supported version?

Since the current tinyWebDB online uses the MIT server and it has a limit to 1000 entries plus it is open and public, It is not a viable option.

Also has anyone checked on the WebComponent FilePost request no posting the attached file? THe same process works fine using POSTMAN but no through the ai2 using IOS companion and the latest beta version 2.64.6?

Regards, Hernan

Here's my TinyWebDb collection.
If you do something new, tell us so we can add it.

Hello everyone,

I've pushed a new version of the companion app to TestFlight. This version is 2.64.6 (8) and adds some preliminary support for Bluetooth low energy and the Micro:bit UART service. These features are very much a work in progress and more functionality remains to be implemented. If you are interested in helping test these features, you will need to load your projects into ai2-test since it will allow projects with these extensions to still load on iOS.

Evan W. Patton, Ph.D.
Lead Software Engineer, MIT App Inventor