MIT App Inventor for iOS Version 2.64.6 in TestFlight

Hello everyone,

The MIT App Inventor for iOS companion app version 2.64.6 is now available for beta testing. If you'd like to help us beta test, please use Join the MIT App Inventor beta - TestFlight - Apple to join the beta testing program.

This version contains the following changes:

  • Fix an issue where the Player component would not respect the PlayOnlyInForeground flag
  • Fix an issue where the Volume property of the player was not correctly applied
  • Fix an issue where the Player component would have gaps when looping audio
  • Fix an issue in the VideoPlayer component where milliseconds were interpreted as seconds

Evan W. Patton, Ph.D.
Lead Software Engineer, MIT App Inventor


Great, thank you! :+1:

I have reviewed and tested the bug fixes. They have all been successfully fixed. Great!
At least in this respect, AI2 for iOS is one step ahead of Android! (Because there is no way to do the same without an extension in Android.)

Hello app inventors,

MIT App Inventor for iOS version 2.64.6 (2) is now available on TestFlight. This version of MIT App Inventor includes the following changes since 2.64.6 (1):

  • Add CircularProgress and LinearProgress components
  • Add new methods and events to the TextBox, PasswordTextBox, and EmailPicker components
  • Fix an issue where the Screen's Scrollable property would not take effect
  • Allow for quoted strings in Content-Type headers in the Web component

Please continue to help us test this release and report any issues via the community.

Evan W. Patton, Ph.D.
Lead Software Engineer, MIT App Inventor


Hello @ewpatton
It is only a Companion beta version for a specific developers team or is open for all?
I have not this version in my TestFlight.

It's open to everyone. You will need to use the link above to join the 2.64.6 beta testing group.

1 Like

This link is not running for me: Join the MIT App Inventor beta - TestFlight - Apple
It si valid only for the old version. Where is the new link?

That is the right link for that group. Once you've joined you will need to go to the TestFlight app and refresh the list of installable versions to get 2.64.6.

1 Like

I have no issue with it.

I receive this problem message. About to tell with the developer for this public link.

I have solved the issue. Before I hand wrote in the Safari Brwoser the link and not runs. After I direct open the link from the MIT AI2 Page and it runs.

The VisorWeb ussed to access the Google Maps is not running well in iOS the separators of the Latitud and Longitude: '%C2' = ','. We need only put ','. With '%C2' we receive a mistake of the Google Maps. In Android we can use both codes.
The aia to test this topic.
testMAP.aia (2.1 KB)

Hello App Inventors!

Version 2.64.6 build 3 is now on TestFlight. In this test version, the following fixes have been made:

  • Fix a crash when assigning a bad SelectionIndex in ListView
  • Fix an issue where the speech recognition component would only accept English
  • Implement the Language property for the speech recognition component

If your projects use either of these components, please help test and provide feedback.

Evan W. Patton, Ph.D.
Lead Software Engineer, MIT App Inventor

Hello App Inventors!

Version 2.64.6 build 5 is now on TestFlight. In this test version, the following fixes have been made:

  • Make the Clock methods sensitive to user locale
  • Address an issue where the WebViewer would not fill its parent view
  • Fix an issue where the Delete block in Web would not send a DELETE verb to the HTTP server

If your projects make use of the Clock, Web, or WebViewer components you should test them and report any issues.

Evan W. Patton, Ph.D.
Lead Software Engineer, MIT App Inventor


Hello Mr. Patton,

Is the Map Navigation component available for IOS on the version 2.64.6 just release? And same question for the location sensor ?

Please advise!


Hernan Clark


you can check it here:
Does App Inventor Run on iOS Yet?

Is there an estiate when the MAPS feature of inventor will be supported in IOS? example navigation, and locationSensor?

Maps and Navigation are both already supported in the iOS companion. However, a change to ORS has broken the navigation implementation in the version on the App Store. There is a fix on TestFlight version 2.64.6 (6), which you can get if you use the link in the first post of this thread and join the beta testing program.

Thank you Mr. Patton for your response!

Testflight requires I get an invitation to test the Beta version before installing it. How can I get a code I can redeem or an invitation to beta test?

Also the IOS Companion from the App Store, mainly the web component PostFile block does not stream the data file to the RestAPI server. The event.body is always null or empty at the server´s end.

I have spent many days trying to investigate this. The emulator however does send data but I cannot test the recording as it does not provides access to the microphone. Is this also fixed on the beta version on test flight? I am trying to send the soundRecoding data via the PostFIle to a server from the IOS companions. Please let me know if the PostFIle Request works on IOS or if this is a limitation that is not currently available.


Hernan Clark.

Did you read the first post (in this thread)?