MIT App Inventor for iOS Version 2.64.6 in TestFlight

ListView images in BLOCKS section will be fixed in next release,
Because For dynamic lists with images, ListView is the only option to get it work on iOS

I'm not entirely sure what your message is meant to convey. If you have a bug in the ListView and can share a project with me to investigate I can take a look.

ListView images is not possible to be set through blocks,
It's only possible through ListData property in Designer,
So will this be solved

Hello Mr. Patton,

Have anyone ported the TinyWebDB app from pithon 2.7 to the python 3+? . I just tried to run the 27 version in google cloud through its app engine but python 27 is no longer supported as an option when configuring the app.

Could you let me know if tinyWebDB can be made available on python 3? Since the current tinyWebDB online uses the MIT server and it has a limit to 1000 entries, It is not a viable option.

Also, where you able to check on the WebComponent FilePost no sending any file from the IOS companion using the latest beta version?

Regards, Hernan


Have anyone ported the TinyWebDB app from python 2.7 to the python 3+? . I just tried to run the 27 version in google cloud through its app engine but python 27 is no longer supported as an option when configuring the app and if we try to run it using the supported python build, it errs not allowing it to be access through the web link.

Is there a tinyWebDB version for python 3 or NodeJS, etc. Or is there a link to the open source to port the project to a supported version?

Since the current tinyWebDB online uses the MIT server and it has a limit to 1000 entries plus it is open and public, It is not a viable option.

Also has anyone checked on the WebComponent FilePost request no posting the attached file? THe same process works fine using POSTMAN but no through the ai2 using IOS companion and the latest beta version 2.64.6?

Regards, Hernan

Here's my TinyWebDb collection.
If you do something new, tell us so we can add it.

Hello everyone,

I've pushed a new version of the companion app to TestFlight. This version is 2.64.6 (8) and adds some preliminary support for Bluetooth low energy and the Micro:bit UART service. These features are very much a work in progress and more functionality remains to be implemented. If you are interested in helping test these features, you will need to load your projects into ai2-test since it will allow projects with these extensions to still load on iOS.

Evan W. Patton, Ph.D.
Lead Software Engineer, MIT App Inventor


Hello everyone,

We have released MIT App Inventor version 2.64.6 (13) to Apple TestFlight. This version includes a number of bug fixes for the Trendline component and adds some preliminary support for the PersonalImageClassifier extension.

Evan W. Patton, Ph.D.
Lead Software Engineer, MIT App Inventor

FYI noticing that here
under Animations, for the Flung event (for Sprite and for Canvas), is not showing the 'xvel' and 'yvel' under Properties. Is this intentional, or a missed item? (I am going by bold text means it is implemented, grey text means not implemented yet, strike-through means can't be implemented, but I don't know what completely not there means.)

xrel and yrel are parameters of Flung, they are not properties of the Canvas/Sprite. The UI does not show parameters of events. If an event is shown as implemented (black text), then all of its parameters are there.

Hello ewpatton,

Thank you, and yes, my terminology was incorrect, I used the incorrect nomenclature between the Component -- Event -- Properties versus what you see on the Block (for Ball, ImageSprite or Canvas.Flung)

Block "*.flung"

Hello all,

I've published a new version of the iOS companion to Apple TestFlight. This build contains updates to some dependencies to fix a crash in the Spreadsheet component when using credentials.

Other components that could be affected by this update:

  • ChatBot
  • CloudDB
  • ImageBot
  • Spreadsheet
  • Translator
  • Web

Please let us know if you encounter any issues with this build.



Hello all,

I've pushed a new version of the iOS companion to Apple TestFlight. This version adds support for two new extensions, PersonalAudioClassifier and TeachableMachine. These features are still experimental and we appreciate your continued feedback.


@ewpatton Hi Evan,

My first time ever posting here. And have little experience with codings, recently learning ai2 2 months ago.
I have joined the TestFlight with Companion version 2.64.6 (build 17),
I am trying to migrate the ai2 apps to iOS but have issues that extensions are not supported. The extensions i used are attached:

  1. DynamicComponents by Yusuf Cihan;
  2. UrsAI2Popup;
  3. LabelPlus

Also the ActivityStarter to open Google Maps does not work, it works on Android but not in iOS (iphone 8) said something about no activity. I attached a screenshot of the blocks.

Any possibility that you can help fixed with the 3 Extensions above and the Google Maps?

Thank you for your help.


com.yusufcihabn.DynamicComponents.aix (36.6 KB)
de.ullisroboterseite.ursai2popup.aix (22.6 KB)
com.extension.LabelPlus.aix (59.8 KB)

Extensions are not supported in the iOS version.

Hello everyone,

I've published a new version of the MIT App Inventor for iOS companion on TestFlight. This is build 2.64.6 (23) and contains the following changes in the last update I posted in November:

  • Fixed a bad cast in the Spreadsheet component that would crash the app when reading data with credentials
  • Implement a feature to parse strings that look like JSON dictionaries into dictionaries when used with dictionary blocks (experimental)
  • Implement the Regression component for iOS
  • Implement the Posenet extension for iOS
  • Fix an issue with MultiLine support in TextBox
  • Fix an issue where 0 and 1 parsed from JSON would parse as false and true, respectively
  • Fix an issue where WriteRange of the Spreadsheet component would append rather than overwrite
  • Fix an issue where TinyDB values were not parsed correctly by ChartData2D's Import blocks


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It seems I need an invitation code to use the testflight App. Do i?



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Hi,thank you.
But how to package AIA into IPA? It seems that it can only be run through an AI companion now.Thank you!

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如果你希望使用testflight 來開發應用程式,你要到app inventor for ios test 的網站 把certificate csr provision profile等等的文件上傳至media 區塊(依照官方tutorial)還有你的apple id( apple id secret
2. 點擊upl;oad to app store conect 他將會依照你上傳的文件傳送到指定的應用程式
3. 到app store connect 裡面的testflight 將自己的email 選為測試者
4. 到email 接受邀請
5. 測試應用程式

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可以直接到測試伺服器打包ipa 不過要上傳adhoc provision profile 作為ipa
成功後你將可以在ios 實體機器測試app
若你想要上傳至app store connect 你需要ios app distribution provision profile

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