MIT APP inventor and soap


I would like to know if it is possible to communicate with a SOAP web service using App Inventor, and if so, how?

Thank you so much for the reply
to be clearer
my question to the server is
<soapenv: Envelope ’
xmlns: soapenv = "
xmlns: rgw = “http: //gr/gsis/rgwspublic/RgWsPublic.wsdl”>
<soapenv: Header />
<soapenv: Body>
<rgw: rgWsPublicVersionInfo />
</ soapenv: Body>
</ soapenv: Envelope>
How this will be edited in the mit app to get an answer from the server

Possibly, you will have to figure out what is required by either the SOAP API or REST API and use the web component to communicate

Found this as a starting point:

Thank you so much for the reply
to be clearer
my question to the server is
<soapenv: Envelope ’
xmlns: soapenv = "
xmlns: rgw = “http: //gr/gsis/rgwspublic/RgWsPublic.wsdl”>
<soapenv: Header />
<soapenv: Body>
<rgw: rgWsPublicVersionInfo />
</ soapenv: Body>
</ soapenv: Envelope>

See this on stackoverflow:

To thank you again very much
my problem after your suggestion was solved.

(added to FAQ)

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