I also tried to update my app bud when I install the build on my Andoid 13 phone I get the error:
The Application wasn't installed, because the whole package looks unproperly
If I get a older build it installs fine, bud if I build it today I get the error. I deleted the Mifare Extension and then it installs again. I also tried the MifareInfo.aia bud it haves the same problem.
If you want a “quick” fix, I got it working. You have to add android:exported="true" to the AndroidManifest.xml like said here: Android 12 changes - #2 by Anke
In my case, add android:exported="true" to the line <activity android:launchMode="singleTask" android:name=".Screen1">
so you get: <activity android:launchMode="singleTask" android:exported="true" android:name=".Screen1">
Thank You @Sander_V,
I sent a message to @Leppke yesterday where I suggest to modify the manifest like this: <activity android:launchMode="singleTask" android:name=".Screen1" android:exported="false">
I was waiting an answer before to write here but now you confirm that solve the problem.
Hi @duv@Leppke and @Sander_V ,
I just added the android:exported="true" in the extension , so You don't need to change the manifest.
Please download and try if your app works correctly. mifare.info.aix (21.9 KB)
For my app I need to read multiple blocks in a row, without rescanning the tag. I tried several solutions like switching off and on read mode or hotswapping block-to-read id
If you have an idea of a solution it could save me a lot of time. I also searched for the extension source code to add those functionalities but in vain.
Hi @lieutenant_X,
I attach a sample that should help You to solve your problem.
I used a Clock to Read a MifareClassicBlock and everytime the clock is fired I add 1 to the variable Block to read the next Mifare block
Marco MifareReadWrite.aia (24.1 KB)
Thanks a lot, it works pretty well. Do you have a solution too to read a tag what triggered the app opening ? (if the app is set as the default one for Mifare tags, it opens automatically when one of them is detected by the phone).
Ciao @lieutenant_X, the extension when a tag is approched use the TAG_DISCOVERED action that is the lowest level to detect a tag, I was able to develop only this method.
To do what You need I have to develop TECH_DISCOVERED, I tried but with no success.
i want to use this extension for 2 screens: one is login screen, read uid and compare to DB - if match sign in.
the second screen is the sign up screen where i want to insert the uid into text box. how to do it? i cant at all? other solutions that use uid of nfc? help...
why only in screen1? also, why it always open the app when i scan tag? all tags just open the app in screen1, how to cancel open it?