Medication Reminder (again)

Did you try this alarm extension ?

I tried to test the aia from that extension but when I tried to built it, it gave me an error

Also I want the app to work more os less like the following printscreens, I hope it's possible.

What was the error?

Wait, now when I tried to build the app again, now the error is gone.

Can anyone teach me how I can make a dropdown list that depending on what the user chooses (whether it is once a day, x times a day, weekly, monthly or yearly) will change the fields that will or will not appear for the user ?

Making a dropdown list is fairly straightforward, but your above statement does not make it clear as to what you want to do?

The simplest approach is to use a spinner:

There are extensions available that provide "popup" menus, but i would stick to the basics for now...

If your dropdown list contains for example: daily,twice a day, weekly, monthly, what more do you need to do after an item has been selected?

Sorry I took this long to answear, what I wanted is after that has been selected, it would affect how many times the notification will be sent to the user when he submits the medication.

How can I make a drop-down menu to select dosing frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) and depending on the selection, you can show additional fields to set dosing times and also make the notification time respect what the user selected?

Have you tried a spinner component and its AfterSelecting(selection) event? Based on the "selection" you can define different logics.

but how can I make it exactly? Do you have a printscreen of the blocks needed?

Well, as you have previously indicated, here is a link to a tutorial on spinner:

I need help with something else now, and I'm not sure how to describe it well because English is not my first language.

I need to set up a way to enter the hours and make them repeat according to what is selected in the Spinner (If it is daily, weekly, montly, etc...). Additionally, I want the option to select weekdays to only appear if the "Weekly" option is chosen in the Spinner.

Also, could you guide me on how to store this data in TinyDB?

Here is the blocks that I have currently and the .aia if its necessary
HealthMate_versao4.aia (86.4 KB)

I still haven't figure out how to turn this into a medication reminder, i don't know how to store the values in the DB or how to use Itoo to make this application run in the background.

I have this fiels and I want to know how do I store them in TinyDB and how to set a notification system with them while using Itoo to make the app run in the background, can someone help me? Here are the screen that I want to save and the blocks I have currently.

Do the tutorials to learn how to work with lists and TinyDB

The simple solution would be to use the alarmmanager extension App Inventor Extensions: Alarm Manager | Pura Vida Apps it is just to use one method to set a repeating alarm...

However you said earlier

So let me suggest you to reduce the requirements and simplify your project.. just use the free alarm extension App Inventor Extensions: Alarm | Pura Vida Apps and set an alarm to take the next medicament... and after getting the alarm, opem the app and set the alarm to take the next medicament, etc

A very good way to learn App Inventor is to read the free Inventor's Manual here in the AI2 free online eBook App Inventor 2 Book: Create Your Own Android Apps ... the links are at the bottom of the Web page. The book 'teaches' users how to program with AI2 blocks.
There is a free programming course here Course In A Box and the aia files for the projects in the book are here: App Inventor 2 Book: Create Your Own Android Apps
How to do a lot of basic things with App Inventor are described here: How do you...? .

Also do the tutorials Our Tutorials! to learn the basics of App Inventor, then try something and follow the Top 5 Tips: How to learn App Inventor


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

But doesn´t the extension create an alarm in your cellphone clock application? My teacher said I couldn't do that and that the app would have to handle the notifications itself because that would end up filling the clock app and that is not good.

Then add another step for the user to do

After an alarm occurred, cancel that alarm
See, if Q3 can help App Inventor Extensions: Alarm | Pura Vida Apps or let the user do it manually

What are your class mates doing? Everyone is working on a medication reminder app? Or was this your choice?


It would help but there is some cases that I want the alarm to repeat either everyday, weekly (at a certain day of the week), monthly, etc...

And to answear to the second question, It was my choice to work on the medication reminder, they are working on completely different things on different apps.

Also I'm still confused with something, how will I make the app repeat the notification/alarm based on the hours that the user has inputed and also on the information of the droplist.

Reduce your expectations and requirements... keep it simple... it is only a school project...

And read again
