MakeViewUp Extension: beautify & customize android views

Hi, I am trying to change the corner radius of the components using makeviewup. However, I don't know how to set the background colour as some of the components are in front of coloured arrangements and some are not. What should I do?

Also, nothing works when I try to use the set radius block. Can somebody help explain what to do, thx

Here is my code:

and there is no corner radius of the component.


Thank you so much. Does the colour of the background colour really matter? Cuz I am planning to round the edges of some components that have gradients and even images. Thx

That is how the extension works.

use these blocks for gradients / images


Do not put an image or gradient directly into the arrangement you are modifying, do all the work with the extension.

You can also try

Beautify by @Gordon_Lu

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do you know why this doesn't work

Seems the extension does not accept 64bit decimal colour numbers (which are generated by the make color block). Use 32bit decimal colour numbers or the colour blocks.


Here is a workaround:

untick Visible for the two labels

What have you tried ?

what does orientation mean for the setgradient block? Can I have some examples for the values pls

Did you test it? Try different values yourself. Use strong colours so that you can see the effect.

Try with numbers from 0 to 6

Hi, if I want to add an image (can be rectangular) to a square button, and then make the button a circle and maybe add a border to that circle, how should I set things up?

sth like this:

I can do this as follows:

Get the Beautify extension from @Gordon_Lu

Use a vertical arrangement and set the colour to red and radius to 90,90,90,90, size 160x160.

Place a button inside the vertical arrangement, set size to 150x150, set default shape to oval, and set your image.

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It doesn't seem possible to add a border, then add an image, regardless of which way around I try it ?

Is it possible if I am using the dynamic component to create this view?

Why not try it?

I did, and it works fine for manually created components. However the default shape of the button when created with dynamic components can't be changed to oval even when the original button used for cloning is set to oval

I was able to eventually get it done, in companion,using my PorterDuff extension to make the image circular

blocks (5)

blocks (4)


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Thank you so much for this <333