Literacy Ninja a literacy game for my nephew, Can I get some help and Ideas?

Hi I want to make a literacy game for my nephew who came to visit me,in which there would be a levels screen with 3 levels and they lead to a level corresponding to its number. In level 1 I want there to be a background appealing to kids (i have selected one already) and random letters appearing so when they click one of the letters it types it at the top of the screen and eventually form a word by repeating this process of clicking letters and when they make a word successfully a hooray message would need to be displayed and then they start over again. For level 1 there would be 4 letter words and for level 2 there would be 5 letter words and for level 3 there would b 6 letter words. My nephew is leaving me on June 7 to go back to another state so i want to complete this game before then as a present for hi birthday coming up in 1 week.

Can I please have some help on how to start some coding for this and other tips for the display of my game.
images (1)
Background :arrow_up:
game link
Literacy_Ninja.aia (69.6 KB)

I looked at your source, and all you have are three background images, and no

  • files of words
  • blocks
  • canvas
  • sprites
  • clock timer.
  • Labels.

I suggest starting with the Mole Mash tutorial to get an idea for game play,
then search the web for files of words of various lengths.

You would need to scrub them for obscene words.

Then search the web for letter images for the sprites that could randomly pop up.

Do the tutorials to see if you can handle all this.

Thanks for your help and I will try my best and if I may can I ask you more questions if I get stuck since this is my 2nd ever game and I believe it is complicated for me to do alone so I require some assistance. I only have a little knowledge of coding with blocks and 0 knowledge with any other coding. The reason why I don't have any other things in my game is because i had no idea where to get them and what to do. Thanks

Have fun building your game.

To get you comfortable building it, here are some resources to help you learn to use the AI2 tools. A very good way to learn App Inventor is to read the free Inventor's Manual here in the AI2 free online eBook App Inventor 2 Book: Create Your Own Android Apps ... the links are at the bottom of the Web page. The book 'teaches' users how to program with AI2 blocks.

There is a free programming course here Course In A Box and the aia files for the projects in the book are here: App Inventor 2 Book: Create Your Own Android Apps

How to do a lot of basic things with App Inventor are described here: How do you...? .

Also look here App inventor español. Offline. Tutorial. Ejemplos. Instalación. Códigos. Juegos. Curso gratis de App inventor. and here Tutorial Index | imagnity for more tutorials including List Tutorial, Mirrored - @Saj

Learn about components Component Reference
and visit the Library The MIT App Inventor Library: Documentation & Support Help>Library on the MENU

Hi, I have made some progress on my game but unfortunately the resources that were provided by both of you were a bit hard for me to follow through as Im an absolute beginner in coding. I have added some sprites and a canvas to my game and am stuck at the coding part which I hope that someone could help me with.

Literacy_Ninja (1).aia (1.2 MB)

Let me suggest you to do the tutorials to learn the basics...
You already received great advice and links...

Our Tutorials! to learn the basics of App Inventor, then try something and follow the Top 5 Tips: How to learn App Inventor


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

You might start by renaming all those png files of letters and words to the actual letters and words they depict.

That would obviate having to keep a table mapping one to the other.

Also, your words file is for some one how many years old?


The word file is for my nephew who is 7 years old but will be turning 8 on the 7th of June. I will be scavenging through he word file to find words that will be easy for him to understand but I am going to use the word file as my last resort and am hoping to change my game so it only display a few words for each level and the images of words that I have uploaded are for level 1 only and I will find harder words for the other levels. Is there any other advice for the game UI? If not can someone help me to do the coding for the images? Like tell me some steps to get me started.

Which tutorials have you done yet?

I've done the Balloon pop tutorial and i started the mole mash tutorial.

Keep going on the tutorials.


The last two links actual games but you might be able to create something similar using App Inventor. Just to give you some ideas for your project.

Hi, I have some questions regarding on the coding, what do I use to code for the "Hear" word (the "hear" word is a picture of the word hear).

I want it to be shown randomly out of the other words that I have chosen for level 1. Please can I get some help for this.

There is a list block to select a random item from a list.

The Every Sprite block will give you such a list.

Loop through all the Sprites and turn them invisible.

Then use the select random item from list block to get a random Sprite, and make that visible.

Use the Picture name of the Sprite for the text matching.

(I hope you used good Picture names!)

I believe this is the block you want me to use right?
What do I use as the main block that this block will be attached to?

Project aia.
Literacy_Ninja (2).aia (1.2 MB)

Hi, Im still waiting for a response regarding my game please help me.

We have many requests for help from people who are here to learn, and who have actually written code.

Show us your downloaded blocks images.

Did you rename the files holding the images?

I see no evidence of that.

I am struck with the futility of this effort.

It's like wheeling a basket of body parts into a n emergency room and expecting a person to emerge.

Can you think of nothing better than a crappy game for your nephew?

You are looking for a contractor, not app help.