When selecting an item from ListView, every 5th item down the list is also being highlighted.
Note: List is a little over 200 items long.
When selecting an item from ListView, every 5th item down the list is also being highlighted.
Note: List is a little over 200 items long.
Yes, I can confirm that behaviour. Nice bug! The gap between “selections” seems to be dependent on the height of the listview. In test if listview is set to fill parent the gap between highlighted selections is 12 on my emulator, if set to 300 px high then the gap is 6. Affects both sizings and themes. The listview selection (the item touched) is returned correctly in listview.selection. Also happens if selection is set in the designer.
@codo this is probably related to the recent update where changes were made to allow programmatic selection in the listview…
Thanks! Perhaps a temporary workaround for better user experience is to temporarily not have a selection color… or to have the listView reset soon after selecting so that users don’t see the repeat.
See also this thread on the old forum for ideas
(added to FAQ)
I thought this was fixed ? I recently re-compiled an old app (which was previously built before n183, there no highlighting bug) only to find I now had the highlighting bug in a long listview.
Still assigned to @ewpatton
In n184 this error continues...
I found out that the patch has not yet been implemented.
Hi, any progress with this one? I'm able to send my code to replicate this issue if needed.
There will be a fix in the summer.
wishful thinking
I have "bumped" the cml page:
Apparently this will be implemented in the next release n187, in September (no year specified)
On another platform derived from AI2 but not AI2, I found that they had no function implemented to display the selected item from the list.
Fortunately, apparently there the list of elements is passed by reference so that modifying the original list could show some characters in the selected element.
I have tried to move the procedure to AI2 but here the ListView.Elements property has to be of a type other than list and it does not work correctly but a similar effect can be obtained with the following code. The final two instructions of the highlight function would have to be activated.