I noticed a problem with the ListView component. I have a long list, you can’t see all of its elements, a scroll bar appears. I mark, select e.g. the first element of the list. Together with the first element of the list, several other elements of the list are selected that cannot be seen. Together with the first element of the list, other elements of the list are marked. E.g. I mark items 1. After scrolling down the list, I see that items 5 and 9 are also highlighted.
see here:
Yes it is the same mistake and I also noticed that the distance depends on the height of the list. I wonder if the bug has been approved for correction.
Thank you for reporting the issue; It has indeed been approved for correction and was unfortunately indeed induced by a change I submitted for the ListView selection highlight on change by properties feature; I have narrowed this issue down and have submitted changes for it, but there is still one more minor issues to be addressed before the fix is ready
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