I want to use my database with text and images to populate a list view. However, when I tried using a create element block to test it out, it just shows up as {Text1: [main text I inputted], Text2: [detail text I inputted], ImageName:[name of the image]}
I want it to actually display these and don't know where I am gong wrong.
Thanks! I looked over that issue, and I have gotten the same error relating to image size. However there are no horizontal arrangements in my design and it works just fine when I manually add data to the list view through the designer. Just not when I add it with blocks. Maybe this is just a bug with ListViews currently, but could you suggest any alternative methods to display an image along with text from a changing database?
Is there a way to make labels and images through blocks? I don't have a defined size for the list I want to display. If there was a way to create horizontal arrangements of labels and images on the fly and put it into a vertical scroll, that would be great.
how many list view items you have? if it's not too much, you can add as many items as you need in the designer view, then only show the amount you need with blocks.
Support for the more complex elements was added in 2.64.5, so it should be working, and it looks like you've set the layout correctly. Have you tried setting the ListData property in the designer? It could be a fluke in the blocks that we have to correct.
Yeah, I have tried setting ListData in the designer and it works like expected. Just doesn't work when I set it with blocks.I can not set it with designer because the size of the list I want to display changes based on user input.