Is it possible to send gathered data from the app and send it to gis as vector data?

is it possible to send gathered data from the app and send it to gis as vector data? thanks

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What is "gis" ?

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hello, it is geographic information system. im developing an app running on android device that classifies mangrove species then it will perform geotagging it and sends the data (coordinates and name of the species) to mark it on the web gis.

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Answer to your question :

Yes, it is possible.

Process :

Depends on what database you use.

Best choices would be : Redis (CloudDB component), FireBase (FireBaseDB Component), Google Sheets (GSConnected Extension by TIMAI2), SQL, etc.

What website is that?

Are you working with
They have an api i see
Mapping APIs | Documentation | ArcGIS Developers

hello, im currently trying qgis and making it into a web app.

hello, is there a guide on how to use google sheets?

Do you need to use an online database ? (If you can send your data directly to "gis" from the app...)

If not, you can use the tinydb, or if you need a more structured local database then sqlite.

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hello, my goal for the app is to send data directly to the online database and it will real-time update the gis, and if the device does not have internet connection, it will just store it offline then sends it when the internet connection is available

sorry for my bad english

Ya but at least tell what database they are using.

sorry :sweat_smile:, im actually have a hard time searching what is the best one for the app. is there anything you can recommend?

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Ya I can obviously recommend.

So what do you want ?
Easy for a newb ? Or something with better functions ?

thanks in advance, easy for newb. its just photo, name and coordinates that i want to store

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Easiest for a newb is spreadsheets.

Did you ever learn about MS Excel ?

Google Sheets is quite similar.

And for the fact about storing images, you can use KIO4's Base64 extension.

Then you would get a string value for an image that you can store in the database.

Also, whenever you want to retrieve the image, you can use the extension to convert the string to an image again.

For name : Something normal and easy to store.
For Co-ordinates : store in a string in a single cell or store as numbers in different cells(better option).

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Note that google sheets cells have a maximum content of 50,000 characters. The base64 of an image is usually bigger than this. It would be better to upload the images to google drive and link to them.


Ya thats a possible way.

Also, it is possible to store in spreadsheet too, by separating the string at every 50000 characters.

But that would be rather complex. So I support your way.

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is there supported GIS app for to implement it ?

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Could you please explain a thing :
Are you making the GIS app or are you updating data on a different GIS site ?

well basically the app im developing capable to classifying a mangrove species, capture image, display name and input coordinates. lastly, provide GIS mapping of the mangroves

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