Is it possible to send gathered data from the app and send it to gis as vector data?

Ya but is the GIS in your own app or on someone else's server ? Are you sending data to your own database or updating the data on some other website's database and retrieving the data from there ?

yes im sending the data on my own database

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Then use the GSConnected Extension by TIMAI2.

It offers you to easily send and receive data from google sheets.

Remember to set up the Google Apps Script.
The guide is given in the Script/Setupportion of the post.


thank you so much

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Not now.

Thank me after the problem is fully solved.

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Here is an app that collects

for plants. It uses the now defunct Fusion Table database and a TinyDB but you can use GoogleSheets etc to store your data.

Here is a discussion of someone photographing fish caught at specific coordinates Map Markers and Google sheets (download images from Googlesheets speed over network is slow) - #16 by Mark_Parente Unfortunatetly, it contains a long winded discussion of how fast it might take to accomplish the data transfer from the device to the database and retrieval.

This too might be useful (Map) Runtime markers - #4 by SteveJG

There might be some ideas you can use in your Project.


Meaning you have your own website/server? The Host Company may have provided a MySQL database for your exclusive use and I suggest that would be better than Google Sheets for your requirements. For starters, images can simply be stored as 'Blobs' (Binary Large Object), so that removes the need for Base64 encoding-decoding.

Maybe also csv is enough.

Lat, lng, other data

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