While watching athletes setting new world records at the Winter Olympics, it occurred to me that AI2 needed awards similar to the Ig Nobel awards for extreme anti-accomplishments. (edit - Thanks to Ideas for App Inventor 2 Anti-Awards - #58 by Dan_Davidson for pointing out the wonderfulness of the Ig Nobels)
So here is my list:
Platinum Jubly
This is named after
Cups and plates meant to mark the Queen’s 70-year reign misspelled jubilee as “jubbly,” the BBC reported. The error appeared on more than 10,000 mugs, tea sets and decorative plates, People reported. There is an illustration of the Queen surrounded by the images featured with her coat of arms -- along with the spelling mistake, according to the magazine.
To earn this medal, you must have made an error and duplicated that error many times in the Blocks Editor.
This award is reserved for people who have managed to clog the AI2 Build Servers or Project Loader by overstuffing their Project with Media, Screens, or Blocks, to the point that the Project won't load or build.
This award goes to the longest thread without any sign of effort to learn anything, but only to wheedle a Power User into writing their app for them.
You know who you are.
This award goes to the app author who believes he has to include a display component for every possible datum his app might ever hold.
Please feel free to add new categories to this thread!
This award goes to the content provider who copies guides or tutorials from the community and then makes youtube videos of them - but doesn't quite get it right. Dutiful newbies then use the videos to make their own apps, with disastrous results, ending up back at the community asking for help, only to be pointed to the original guide. Meanwhile, the prizewinner keeps raking it in from the ads on youtube, and ignores any comments advising them of a) their failure to give credit where due, nor to make any corrections to their video.
The Great Wall of China is a tourist attraction used to keep invaders out. It is very tall, and some reports even say it is as long as the Equator. Many people, mostly people without hiking skills, have attempted to finish climbing it, but few finished.
So, this award can be given to the users who know nothing about App Inventor, but wants to make a copy of Google apps or Minecraft.
They post, 'Hey everyone. Can somebody make me a version of Google Docs?' and are immediately also awarded the Wheedlie award.
If the user wants to climb the Great Wal, just give him/her a Great Wall.
To acquire this prestigious award, you must have had to misunderstand somebody's solution, and then carp to them without apprehending your grave misstep.
For the user who encounters a bug in their project and claims it 'works' before, and you take a look in their AIA, it would have never actually work.
A person reports to the police that he has encountered a Loch Ness monster. He showed them a photo of the monster, and claims that he sees it every day. You take a look at the photo, and immediately realizes that it was a drawing of a monster.