I wish to download all emails and put it within a .txt file. Then I want to send selected emails to selected people using any keywords in the email

How can I achieve this using mit ai2?

To read emails you need a pop3 or imap extension, search the extensions directory App Inventor Extensions | Pura Vida Apps

To send mails there are several solutions

PS" don't hesitate to do a search in the community before starting a new thread...

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Okay, I shall download and put all emails within a .txt , manually. After that, how can I use mit ai2 to send selective emails to selected people.

I shall go through the extensions you shared.

Btw in January you already asked about how to read emails... may I refresh your memory...


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Yes, that was different application. Okay, I shall try making this application.

Let us assume that the .txt file contains the subject portion of 100 emails. So, I want to achieve the following things, (I assume each email- subject as each paragraph),

  1. If the paragrapgh contains the word SHIRT, then forward that paragrapgh to specific email, if the paragrapgh contains the word BURGER, then forward that paragraph to another specific email and so on ...

How can I do it with blocks?

Do I have to send each paragrapgh to a listview may be by using split text block and do I have select paragrapgh from the list/listview may be using contains-text block to work with other email related blocks?

Or, how can I do it?

Try a search in the community


For example


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Thankyou. I wish to do it as automatic.



  1. Upload Text file.

  2. If any paragrapgh contains the word 'JACK', then automatically forward it to jack@gmail.com, and so on.

  3. So, the keywords may have to be set already in the app, so the app will function automatically once the .txt file is uploaded.

  4. This app will be used only by me or by my Team.

PURPOSE: To send right paragraphs (actually body of emails) to right customers.

Actually, Il get multuple emails from multiple buyers, I have to forward the right buyer to right seller. If a buyer needs BURGER, Il forward that email/paragrapgh to a burger seller, if a buyer needs mobile phone, il forward that email/paragrapgh to mobile phone seller and so on.

To make the app building process easier, i decided to download the body of all emails that recieved from from buyers as a .txt file and use the app to forward the right content to right sellers.

I know it is possible to split the complete text data into separate paragraphs using 'split-text' block. Is it possible to convert 'n' no. of paragraphs into list if we don't know the value of 'n' (ie, if we don't know how much paragraph will be there in each .txt file)?

My plan is to use 'contains-text-piece' block to recognize the right list item and forward that specific list item to gmail.

I know it is possible to put 'n' no. of paragraph in listview, so is it possible to select the specific paragraph from listview and forward to gmail?

Is it possible to combine Listview.selection block and contains-text-piece block?

Maybe like this,

if contains-text-piece = 'jack' then listview.selection = 'paragraph contains word jack' and then forward to gmail.



if contains-text-piece = 'jack' then listview.selection = 'paragraph contains word jack' and then share it to whatsapp/email to all sellers one after other (may be using clock).

-- sending one after other means 'paragrapgh with each keyword is for each sellers/gmail'. So, after sending to one seller, do the same for next seller.

Make yourself familiar with parsing something

And for more advanced requirements, learn regex... try a Google search... there are regex extensions available... you can find them in the extensions directory App Inventor Extensions | Pura Vida Apps

However my actual advice for you is: rethink your design... what I can see up to now is, that there are several half automatic cumbersome steps involved in your e-commerce project... sending csv files... parsing emails... see again my advice here

Also it looks like you do not know how to work independently... every 5 minutes you have another question... use the search feature of the community more frequently and first learn some basics... see also



Thankyou :slight_smile: This is not usual ecommerce (marketplace) project. This is little backward ecommerce project, I'm making it purposely for some reason. Thankyou for sharing right urls with sufficient knowledge. I am looking into it. Thankyou.

Hi, now I understood that ecwid.com will also provide customer order details in .csv format. So, I shall work on it by seperating the data like order (eg, burger) & address from specific cells of each row. After, seperating the data, it will be forwarded to right sellers automatically via email.

Updating Idea about App UI:

  1. The app has to function differently for each user. ie, For user Jack, the app has to show only the new-order-details of his business and if the same app is used by Kim, the app will show business detais of him.

  2. To accomplish this, as a newbie I thought this. We need 2 screens. Screen1 will contain only a search box.

  3. In this search box, users will search for their name (business-name) eg, Jack will search Jack, and Kim will search Kim.

  4. When Jack search his name 'Jack', in search result he will find an account Jack. He will click it and the Screen2 will open. Jack has to enter password so others will not use Jack's account.

  5. So, in Screen2 users like Jack or Kim etc. will enter in this way. And Screen2 will function uniquely for each users.

  6. BLOCKS FOR SCREEN2: If the user is jack, then Label 1 will display the paragraph contains the word Jack else if the user is Kim, then Label1 will display the paragraph contains the word Kim.

NOTE: Paragraph means the selected order details (eg, t-shirts 3 needed from buyer address (assume that jack is the t-shirt seller, so if any order-update on the .csv/.txt about t-shirts, it will be displayed to Jack)) from bulk of Paragraphs (order details got for all sellers).

So, we have to utilize same Label to display different order details for different sellers like Jack or kim or etc. The .csv/.txt file will be updated for every single minute so the app can display new orders to sellers immediatly.

  1. When sellers got new order, music will be played maybe with the help of 'Itoo -background extension as well'.


So, I guess the app must access Google Sheet or some url for checking new-order-updates regularly. (This has to happen in background). So, Jack will recieve order details as soon as Google Sheet got updated with t-shirts.

New orders will be updated like this in Google Sheet.

When Label1 is not equal to Zero, triger one signal push notification 'You Got a New Order' and Play music as well. After few seconds make Label1 = 0 and wait for new order.
I have decided to make individual app for each sellers instead of making one app that will function differently for each user/seller.

Hope, Il complete this app tonight :slightly_smiling_face: