I need help coding a map of my school campus where you can navigate through the school with gps

so yeah just to note, i am a complete beginner at mit app inventor and like said in the title, i need help coding a map of my school campus where you can navigate through the school with gps for a school project, i was wondering if you guys can check this code and get some feedback on what to add or what to fix

You might start by reading the help (?) for the location sensor.

Also see

This topic may be of help ?

A note of caution, your gps may not work well with a building without many windows or because the gps hardware might not be able to get a good signal. Before you design the Project, try you gps inside the building as a test.

Here are several community artices that discuss a similar topic (they may hep you decide what to do):

Good luck with your Project.

(added to FAQ)