1.How can I integrate Wit.Ai api key, into my MIT App Inventor coversational Chatbot?
2.How can I integrate POE Ai api key, into my MIT App Inventor coversational Chatbot?
Note: Chatbot is text only, and should get it's intellect from wit.ai or poe.
If someone could please help me out on this and maybe with a screenshot of sort, I will be overwhelmed with joy. See: wit.ai /doc, and poe website. The wit.ai is below.
$ curl 'https://api.wit.ai/message?v=20240304&q=hello'
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
Share me Wit API documentations.
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Namaste... Thank you for attempting to help me. The website is Wit.Ai, and the Document Section where API instructions are here: Wit.ai
I'm a super Newbie, and so there is a lot that I do not know as of yet. Thanks, Namaste! Note: Wit.ai docs
$ curl 'https://api.wit.ai/message?v=20240304&q=hello'
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
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I am lost... please explain in a way that a nube could get it and i will try, but as of now i don't understand.