How do you make a library management app?

ALIZE_Online_Library_App_1.aia (77.8 KB)

I am not convinced you can handle one dimensional lists yet, let alone lists of lists (tables).

You designed a library that can only hold one book.

How do I know? Look at your blocks:

You are stuffing tables under tags in TinyDB, but not initializing them with Create Empty List if they are not found (first run).

You took the default for a TinyDB retrieval, and left the blank text block there, without regard for what is actually needed in your app.
Note for new parents: You're supposed to remove the stopper from the baby's mouth when you get home from the hospital.

More problems:

The blocks are not supposed to know anything about particular data items.
Where is the text box and button where the Librarian can add new books to the library?

Book status must be a two column table, if you store it under the tag 'Book Status'.
It must be suitable for use with the list block Lookup In Pairs, with book names in column 1 and book statuses in column 2.

Go back and reread all the introductory links in

and go online to start a books spreadsheet at Google Sheets.
It's much easier than TinyDB.

thank you very much for this inputs regarding our project. we already left this initial progress and redo our work using a database specifically, the firebase. thankfully we had finished successfully. thank you for this insights though i have learned and discovered new things about the mit app....