How do you import data from chatbot to bar graph automatically?

Could you please walk me through the steps because I am new to this process.

Do you have the blocks to request input and add rows to the daily sheet yet?

There's no point in working on graphing if you only have tiny data.

Study this sample app to see summation by Google Sheets code:

Is the first step just creating an API for the Google sheet I'm using for the spreadsheet component?

Your first step could be coding an input Arrangement where the user could input values for columns A,C,D,E of the sheet you have at How do you import data from chatbot to bar graph automatically? - #19 by XIN_TONG_ZOU, fill in the rest of the columns based on those given textbox.Text contents, (table lookups and maybe some math needed here), then do a spreadsheet Add Row.

Can you show me how to do it? Sorry, it's my first time.

Do you have an input Arrangement yet in your app, with text boxes and a Submit button?


Do you have TinyDb tags and values for the user to remember his name and body type, and a dialog to set them the first time he uses the app?

You will need a List Picker pre-loaded with the body types as Elements, matching the body types used in your Sheet that lists the body types and their requirements.

What are TingDb tags?

TinyDB is the local phone data base you can use to remember what user is on the app on that phone, and what his body type is.

Without TinyDB, it would be as if your user had amnesia each time he opened the app.