Say I want to get information on "pandas" from any website but the info has to be on what he eats. Is there any possible way to get only the text that I want?
This is a way to look for information about "panda food" on Wikipedia Wikipedia api with Plain Text Search Results or this similar tutorial [APP] 🔎 Using the Wikipedia API To Browse Wikipedia Pages!
For any web page, you might be able to 'scrape' a Web page. See How do u select info from websites - #4 by Soulshardz . This might work too How can I get Source(html) from WebViewer
Another way?? How to Search the Web using a Speech Recognizer and read the results using TTS - #9 by SteveJG
..and finally, this extension might do what you want to do Advanced WebScrapper Extension - Scrape Data From Web Sites
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