I received a text value from the DVR with the file name\date and size. How do I convert to a list?
The use of "\n" did not give any results.
The contents of the text variable:
ff.name=N0R_L00000_000000_20240416205051_AA_N0012.MP4\nff.time=Tue Apr 16 20:52:50 2024\nff.size=104857600\n
ff.name=NOR_000000_000000_20240416205251-AA_N0013.MP4\nff.time=Tue Apr 16 20:54:52 2024\nff.size=104857600\n
ff.name=NOR_000000_000000_20240416205452_AA_N0014.MP4\nff.time=Tue Apr 16 20:56:52 2024\nff.size=104857600\n
use the text split at \n block.
I see you have names, times, and sizes.
Do you need a three column table?
I have a shred procedure for that.

Web_Page_Shredder.aia (8.2 KB)

Thanks for the very complete answer. How difficult it is. I'm a beginner. I just wanted to upload video files. And somehow link my list of file names on the DVR to the download module.
Start here, then.