HELP: Keyboard on Emulator doesn't recognize the PC's keys

Hello. I'm currently learning AppInventor and already installed the Emulator (on Win 11)

When I'm testing my projects the emulator doesn't recognize the keys of the PC's keyboard. So, to write in textfields I have to manually press each letter button in the emulator's screen.

Is there any way I can enter text with the PC's keyboard.

Thanks in advance

There are other emulators you can try:

Most, if not all Android emulators do not, at least without telling them how. Google android studio PC keyboard for one way

If you use a real device, soft keys are provided so what you are experiencing is an opportunity to practice how a real device would work.

Thanks. But I have to show it on Zoom classes, and having a device permanently connected is not an option for showing to the rest of the class.