Keyboard - additional methods for the keyboard

The extension is free, created for non-commercial use.

I do not consent to placing it in applications for sale.

  • disable full-screen keyboard in landscape mode:

  • enable full-screen keyboard in landscape mode :

Full-screen keyboard:

Keyboard normal:

  • ShowKeyboard - show keyboard programmatically:

  • SetButtonAction - Set the action button icon on the keyboard and activate ActionButtonClicked event for that button:
    • action - icon type, set with green property blocks
    • standardAction - boolean, determines whether, in addition to the actions performed in the ActionButtonClicked event, standard actions should be performed, e.g. closing the keyboard or moving to the next TextBox

  • ActionButtonClicked - the event that fires when you click an action button on the keyboard returns the button type and the TextBox for which the keyboard is open

  • properties for setting the action button type


component_set_get (1)

component_set_get (2)

component_set_get (3)

component_set_get (4)

component_set_get (5)

  • SetTypeKeyboard - sets the desired keyboard type with different options.

  • properties for setting the keyboard type

component_set_get (23)

component_set_get (24)

component_set_get (25)

component_set_get (26)

component_set_get (27)

component_set_get (28)

component_set_get (29)

component_set_get (30)

component_set_get (31)

component_set_get (32)

component_set_get (33)

component_set_get (34)

component_set_get (35)

component_set_get (36)

component_set_get (37)

component_set_get (38)

Extension v6:
pl.extension.Keyboard.aix (17.2 KB)


Works Great Thanks :smiley:

See → here:


Wow, simple extension but Useful :star_struck: :star_struck:

1 Like

Yes, the new version has the recommended flag.

Another new methods in v3.


@Patryk_F Its like your reading my mind :smiley: was about to ask about this next.

Great job on this Extention!

Is ok now?

Do I have to re-download it ?

No. I saw you deleted the post, so I asked. I'm gonna test it.

Oh okay I misunderstood , I deleted the post because I Was testing it more to see if the order I called the blocks changed it (it did not), then I tested the other actions and they all worked fine so I thought It must just be the done action. So I tried this again after testing the others and it decided to work. So I have no idea what happened.

Okay just made 2 fresh test apps and put the extension in to test. As long as the disable full screen is set after the action is set the it works fine.

Not sure why this didn't fix it the first time but it worked on the 2 empty apps.

Ok, is correct in v4.


nice and useful :boom:

1 Like

Been testing some more with my other apps. Seems to only work for standard textboxes ?

Would it be possible to allow it to be used on password textboxes ?

Do you want to use ai2 password text boxes, or just add an option that will add a password option to the standard TextBox? The plus is that you can show - hide the password.
I can add several different keyboards.

both sound like good ideas. But if you are only doing one the password option for standard textboxes sounds good :slight_smile:

Version 5 released.


thank you very much for the component you made for the community and does this have GPL licence for free use?