[FREE] TableViewer - fully style customized to show table data

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what I mean is how to create a procedure with row, column, value without using the tableviewer element. What im currently creating is a text message app and I want to highlight the per row everytime I send a message using the mobile number list coming from the table

You want to highlight a row (based upon its content) without physically selecting the row in the table ?

yes, exactly. in my case. I want to start sending message from the first row then move on to the next row until reached at the end of the row

im just stucked on the part on how to get the row. which is why im asking on how to get the row, col, value just like the with the tableviewer_click

Something like this, you will need to work with the underlying list of lists:

You can probably use the javascript highlight routine to save having to reload the table


Thanks a lot!

Does the ScrollTo not works if theres a style on table click? How can I make it to scroll to top if button is clicked? Any alternate solutions on this?

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Every time I click the button for the spinner, it just wont scroll. I want to make it scroll to top everytime the spinner is clicked

  1. Is the list in the tableviewer longer than the tableviewer, so that it can scroll?

  2. Does it scroll if you do not call the Spinner? (Could be that the display of the spinner is taking precedence, and preventing any actions in the app...)

Just run a quick test, scrolls for me. I would check 1. above...

Nvm, I already got it. The problem is in the scrollarangement, should've use the verticalarrangement instead of verticalscroll

How do I remove a column 2 and 3 using a button?

Remove column 2 & 3 from the underlying list, and reload the TableViewer with the adjusted list

I mean how do I set it in my blocks
I got this error while using this

Remove columns in reverse order, e.g. col3 first, then col2.

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Thanks. That solved my problem.

By the way, how can I identify the row in the tableviewer is clicked twice?

what i want is to create an identifier that the row has been clicked

You could setup a test in the clicked event, perhaps storing the already clicked row numbers in a list, and testing if they have been added?

Heres my blocks, the problem is whenever I click a row(no matter the same row or different row), it will trigger the clickedRow count and in every 2x click on a row, it will result with clicked twice message