What is the point of this:
and this:
What is the point of this:
and this:
I don't know? I just cant seem to get how to store the previous selected row from the current selected row
How do I setup in my blocks on how to get the value of 3rd column of the selected row. I manage how to get the selectedRow but I don't have any idea on how to get the value of the 3rd column of the selectedrow
Go back to your underlying list, use the row number to get the record, then get the third item.
It should do it automatically, and overflow to the right if too many columns to fit the screen
Do you have a setting or component somewhere preventing it ?
I dont have any setting that prevents it, also the panel for the tableviewer has been set to fit to parent
Put all settings for the containing arrangement to default.
Also what are these:
By the way, dont mind those in the bottom as it has different block setup, it is used to filter data using listutilz
And also, is the copy list list block, will it copy starting from t
I have 6 columns in dataList.
What I want is to create a copy of dataList which is the unfilteredList and remove the 6th column. By using this block setup, theres an error when trying to remove the column 6. How do I fix this?
If you were working in AppInventor i would have more chance of helping you...
actually, I was using the appinventor but since kodular has much better interface and more features such as the floatingbutton, thats why im remaking the app in kodular
How can I get the value of the column 2 of my selected row?
Use the Tableviewer1.Click event
Im currently using it, I know how to get the value of the row but I dont know how to setup the block in getting the value of a specific column from the selectedrow
Thanks, it works now
Please, help me.
I've been struggling to make the extension work but I wasn't able to succeed yet.
I have a question. Does it requiere a vertical arrangement? If it does, do I have to set it to be as big as the screen? Or what size do you suggest?
If you read the examples in this thread, you will find out the layout can be a vertical or horizontal.
Even the simplest sample in first post not working for you?