[FREE] TableViewer - fully style customized to show table data

Another question:

I updated to V6 and ShowTable is back again.
I have problem to scroll to row and higlight becouse using ShowTable the table is reloaded to the first row

Same problem with previous versione as said on thip post:

I tried to ShowTable before scrolling by it doen't work

How to do that?

With V4 it work correctly

wait about 100-200ms after showtable, then scrollto.

I tested and table will NOT go back to first row after ShowTable

Seems you are hoping for a "one size fits all" approach. Tables with different behaviours and different content may required different css settings in order to display as you wish.

You might also want to use the width of the containing arrangement to set your table width in pixels.

Also see:

and it is still not possible to scroll a table vertically inside a container, inside a vertical scrolling arrangement.

it works better,

but i have the some problem on higlighting the selected row. it goes back to the first row.
If i use delay and scroll immidiatly, the seceted row becomes the first one, but for the final user is not too much frendly that the row selected under your finger moves up.

I apologize if I am too insistent

I checked your test aia. You are show several tables with only one extension. try use one extension for each table.

Oh Yessss it works. One is Solved!!
Tanks @TIMAI2.

So i'm going to use V4 whitout ShowTable, where ScrollToRow and highlighting works fine for me.
just one question, why did you introduce the ShowTable again after two times you deprecated it?
good things come in threes !!! :rofl:

Tanks guys I love you!

This fixes the scrollto / back to the top issue for row select:

(draggable blocks)

Ok if I understand correctly just change from this (V4):

to this (V6):

And that's it!

(I think the for cycle is unnecessary, my table has up to 1000 rows and it may lag?)

Anyway thanks for your time! All problem solved!
I hope many will benefit from it

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Without the first part, you can end up with many selected/highlighted rows on your table.

You could add to the javascript/blocks, to capture the last selected row, and just clear the background for that.

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This is better (for row highlighted, clears previous row only):


And here also for cell highlighted, clears previous cell only:


Good morning, I have a query that displays a laboratory reservation in a ListView, this part works fine but I want to display the same information in a TableViewer. I have these blocks, but it doesn't load anything in the list called ListaTabla or in the TableViewer... I'm not sure if I'm adding each record correctly to the table called ListaTabla... I hope someone can help me... thank you.

run "DO IT " on ListaTabla, tell us what it shows.

And I did not see "TableViewer.Init" block, did you call this at other place?

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What do you see in your responseContent ? Add this to a label ...

What do your lists cadena_datos2 and global ListaTabla look like? Set these to a label and report your findings here....

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  1. no need to add \n at end of the data.
  2. tableviewer need a list of list. but listaTabla is not.

Hmmm, from your blocks it looks like you are trying to create a single column list. You will need to make a list of lists for this.

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How do I create a list of lists?"

do not use the "join" block, but a "make a list" block
