[FREE]JoyStick extension

An extension simulates a joystick.


The setup function is not a must. All the properties have a default value.

The name of the properties explain what they can do. and hover your mouse on it, you will get a tip with good explainaion.

the joystick will look like:
with default properties:

with custom properties:

and the download link:
游戏手柄扩展 - 浮云小站


very useful !!! thanks!

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this work with all android versions? is for using with canvas

Why not test it out and report back your findings?

When releasing the joystick, the strength variable keeps the last number instead of zero. I just want to input 0 to a thing when the joystick is not helded, but I can't find a way to do it since the only event is .Dragged

The Canvas1.TouchUp Event captures the release.

how to get x and y axis?

And how do I detect if I let go of the joystick? I don't know how to use the canvas to detect if I let go of the joystick

one workaround:
the key point is Joystick.interval should be smaller than clock.timerinterval.