Can someone fix my code?

I am trying to make my sprite rotate but instead i am trying to make it so that the sprite does not rotates, it just changes into a different sprite direction, like same image but rotated, but i am having issues, more logical errors, for ex. it says true for BOTH conditions, so i am kind of confused how to fix the logical error, here i will give you a screenshot:

to rotate an imagesprite, you need set its rotation as true, and change its heading to a number increasing repeatly.

set clock.timeralwaysfires have nothing do with the timer event.

but i am doing it the other way

i was showing you my code, as this code has variables and stuff

can you tell me how to make the rotation which follows the ball aka joystick direction?

do you mean always look at the ball?
We have a PointTowards function.

can you show it exactly?
i am a newbie thats why

also i meant by in which direction the sprite move it should be facing there, sorry for the confusion

for ex. when the ball aka joystick moves right, the sprite will also face at right >

I have a extenion here, maybe you want to try?
[FREE]JoyStick extension - Extensions - MIT App Inventor Community

no i dont need the extension, i need to find out how to make the sprite look at the direction where the joystick is moving, if the joystick moves left, the car will face left and move, so i made it ove but not face.
if you have any ideas please help me.

we need to know how you make your joystick.

upload a demo aia here.