FAQ section: Maps


Map Save does not serialize GeoJSON properly for polygons 2776 - @ewpatton

How To

Breadcrumbs on Google Maps - CoderDojo

Driving Distance APIs

Find ... near me - SteveJG

Google Earth from Activity Starter

Google Maps Route from Activity Starter - SteveJG

Google Maps With App Inventor Intro! - Gordon_Lu

How to Build a Circular GeoFence - SteveJG

How to save and show waypoints on a map - SteveJG

Images on Maps Markers - Borgonovo, SteveJG, TimAI2

Map component tutorial - MIT

Maps component starter sample - SteveJG

MIT Google Maps Tutorial

Offline Flat Map Coordinate conversion - SteveJG

OpenStreetMap without a Map Component - SteveJG

Use a Google Spreadsheet to update a Map by SteveJG