Emulator not connevting with aistarter

I was downloading the ai starter setup from your website (follow all the instructiions). When i click on emulator first it take 5 minutes and then shows message of like The aiStarter helper does not appear to be running. I am start/open the aistarter, before clicking the emulator. kindly fix this problem.

Here are some alternatives that don't use aistarter ...

Can you please attach a screenshot of the aiStarter window after you get the message that App Inventor is unable to connect to the emulator?

I'm getting this. Same error message as this thread. aiStarter doesnt seem to be running. Found it and ran it, then tried emulator again... nothing happens after this:

Looks OK

What happens when you connect to the Emulator ?

The emulator doesnt come up. It keeps going through that screen and then says AI starter isnt running.

The message The command prompt has been disabled by your administrator. likely has something to do with it. aiStarter uses the batch files that exist in the same directory to manipulate the emulator, so if your administrator has disabled the ability to run these scripts you will be unable to use the emulator.