Does anyone know what this(Firebase Token) is for?

Does anyone know what this is for?,or how can I use it in my firebase realtime database?. or what is that token for? or how it is sent to firebase?.
If anyone can help me it will be very helpful and i will be gratefull forever.


You get that token from when you sign up with them.

Otherwise, you use the MIT Firebase default server just for testing and learning.

It can be used for the API key for your firebase project, which you find on the Project Settings page in the Firebase console. However, in practice, I have found that it is not needed for functional operation.

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Thanks, but how can i get that token from, or .. Does the token work to authorize a read or write call on the database from my app?


As I previously said, the APIkey, if used in the Token box, seems to have no effect on your ability to connect to your Firebase project. However, your secure rules must be read:true and write:true to be able to read and write.

If you intend to use Firebase Authentication and use secure rules, then you can either use the web component or there are extensions available for accessing your firebase project in these conditions.

If you check DEFAULT in the Firebase component designer settings, then a token will appear. This token will create a reasonably private area for your data via the MIT Firebase realtime database code. You can't / should not try to change this.