Display Screen on Certain Day


I'm a Basic developer of App here in MIT App Inventor. I just want to ask if how to display a certain Screen on a certain day. for Example. If I open the app the app will scan what current day it is if its Monday, Wednesday or Friday it will display Screen 1 while if its Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday it will display Screen 2. Can somebody help me how to do it. Thank you

Pull in a Clock component in screen 1.

Use it to get today's weekday Saturday.

Open that screen name.

Read the many screens article.

This example will get you started

Now experiment and show us how you used it to change the Screen. Hint: you need a Screen2.

This solve your problem »

Download this *.aia project to your computer and then import to AI2 Editor »

WeekDay_Filter.aia (2.3 KB)


Take a look at the Designer to understand the contents of Virtual Screens 1 and 2
-dimensioned as invisible Arrangements- where you can unfold your own content.



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