Gostaria Muito da ajuda , queria fazer com que caixa de texto seja digitado um certo numero ate 9 digitos , e as musica ficariam numa pasta /mp4, quando eu digitar o numero abrir uma janela na tela para mim escolher reproduzir ou reservar ela para ser reproduzida depois que terminar a musica anterior , ja tentei um monte coisa e nao consigo me adaptar com appinventor.....ficarei agradecido se me ajudarem com os blocos
I would really appreciate the help, I wanted to make the text box enter a certain number of up to 9 digits, and the music would be in a /mp4 folder, when I type the number a window will open on the screen for me to choose to play or reserve it to be played After finishing the previous song, I've already tried a lot of things and I can't adapt with appinventor.....I'll be grateful if you help me with the blocks
The directoryName is incorrect. The extension example documentation is a little out of date, but it looks like you can use a full path to your directory:
This should work if musicas is the equivalent to the Music directory in English, or if you are working on a device with Android 9 or less, and musicas is a directory you have created.
Obrigado por responder, ja tentei essas outras opções, ate coloquei os videos na raiz do armazenamento , mas infezlimente nao reproduz , aparece erro (Error 701: Unable To Load .) dessa forma