Hi, Someone can help me?. I need to know how can use any component to create a group of listpickers variables using global variable. This is for call the global variable and reduce blocks when i call these listpickers.
An example is if i define many listpickers Like that, listpicker 1 , listpicker2, listpicker 3 ,etc.... and these group of list picker define in just one variable global to call and reduce the blocks, if this can use any component, this will be me help a lot if Someone can help me, thanks a lot
August 31, 2022, 6:14pm
It's possible to reuse a single List Picker.
Here is a sample:
If you have many similar components lined up in the Designer, it is helpful to keep their components in lists.
This week the US news networks have been reporting on a free web game by Josh Wardle called Wordle , similar to Jotto, developed as a personal project and open for all.
His variation has:
one chance to play per day
every one shares the same daily word
words have exactly 5 letters
you get six guesses
You are told
which letters match in place (green),
which letters match out of place (yellow)
which letters don't match anywhere (dark grey).
I decided to try to replicate his app in AI2 under t…
Because the translator component is asynchronous, this becomes an exercise in list management.
Here is a starter kit for this, just translating .Text values of a few component types.
It does not extend all the way to translation of .Elements of the various Pickers, but it can be extended by adding a third column (ElementIndex) to the translation queue on additional rows, one per Element text.
I chose my sample text because it is notoriously hard to translate two ways between English and Russi…
This tutorial is intended for people who need to display a heavily customized scrollable window into a large table. It can also be used as a CardView.
(I needed a pithy title, and "The Elder Scrolls" was taken.)
My sample subject area for my data is the historical or current set of legislators in the US Congress, both Representatives and Senators, with photos (where available.)
Credits for the source data:
Data from https://github.com/unitedstates/congress-legislators
photos from https://…
Here is a bare bones starter template you can build on.
It has no code for the rules of chess, and also lacks
piece promotion
en passant
adjustment of List Picker Element colors to highlight white or black piece color
Be aware that the stock MIT emulator is not up to date enough to show the Unicode chess pieces. This demo was done on the MEMUPlay emulator.
The starting chess board:
chess_board.aia (11.6 KB) [Starting position] [Touched White Kings Pawn] [White Kings …
When I heard the MIT default CloudDB instance was upgraded, I decided to use it to try out CloudDB's list value handling, and show off my Unicode chess button board.
My test environment for a multi-player multi-device session was MemuPlay's Multi-Memu emulator on Windows 7. I made two different emulators, and loaded built .apk files onto each, both running on my desktop. Here's my test session, recreating the shortest of all chess games, the Fool's Mate ...
In Screen1, I choo…