I need to copy files from ASD on removable SD (/storage/4694-4D13/android/data/appfolder/..).
My scenario is the following :
Android 13 OS
-full permission in manifest (READ, WRITE, MANAGE on EXTERNAL_STORAGE). I know WRITE permission do not exist on Android 11+
android:compileSdkVersion="23" in manifest and targetSdkVersion: '19' in apktool.yml
Using Taiufun File Extension I can copy a file to anywhere in the internal storage.
I can copy to internal root (/storage/emulated/0/) or to internal storage ASD (/storage/emulated/0/android/data....) or to shared folders (/storage/emulated/0/download) or to a new folder ( /storage/emulated/0/myFolder).
What I can't do is to read files from ASD on removable SD card.
So I can read files from /storage/4694-4D13/ or /storage/4694-4D13/android
But I can't read files from /storage/4694-4D13/android/data/appfolder/.. and subfolders : error "file to copy does not exist"
I also tried to use file component from AI2 :
with default scope to Legacy, I can copy file to anywhere in the internal storage , but I don't know to address to external removable SD files. . If I try to copy files from /storage/4694-4D13 or file:///storage/4694-4D13 , the file component tries to open file in internal_storage_ASD/storage/4694-4D13 or internal_storage_ASD/file:///storage/4694-4D13
So, how can I read files (copy from) from ASD on removable SD card ?
Is it possible on Android 11+ ?
I need to read non media files.
Yes, with Taifun File Extension I can copy a file in the internal storage everywhere on Android 13 (Samsung Galaxy A23)
First screenshot : copy a file from removable EXT-SD to root of internal storage
Second screenshot : copy a file from root of internal storage to a subfolder on internal storage
From blocks image I hide other not important blocks : my app does other things, like download a remote sqlite dB, backup apps files , etc.
So what is your question now?
Btw, there is an extension to get the MANAGE_EXTERNL_STORAGE permission (so no need to de/recomplie APK and customize the Manifest.
copy files from ASD on removable Sd-card to internal storage
Issue is I can't read file from ASD on removable Sd-card ( /storage/4694-4D13/android/data/appfolder/.. and subfolders)